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Learn How to Cut Meat Across the Grain

Cut meat across the grain

If you have ever wondered what it means to cut meat “against the grain,” here is your answer. Some cuts of meat have distinct fibers in them, which make the meat difficult to chew. Flank steak (typically used to make London broil), skirt steak, and brisket are good examples. Cutting through the fibers or grain in the meat makes it tender and easier to chew.

The picture above shows the lines of the steak running from right to left down the length of the steak. If you slice this steak in the same direction as those lines, you’ll have to chew through the fibers. Whereas if you cut across the lines or the grain, the knife will have already done that work before a bite reaches your mouth. When slicing this type of meat, it is often recommended to slice thinly at a 45-degree angle, as shown.

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Helpful Tips
<>Make sure you cook and keep foods at the correct temperature to ensure food safety.

Bacteria can grow in foods between 40 ºF and 140 ºF.

To keep foods out of this danger zone, keep cold foods cold and hot foods hot.

Use a clean food thermometer and measure the internal temperature of cooked food to make sure meat, poultry, and egg dishes are cooked to the proper temperatures.

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