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Water and Beverages

Water is one of the most important substances in our life...

Water and Beverages

Most foods contain water. Not only moist foods such as milk and watermelon, but solid foods such as potatoes and rice contain water. The water present in foods, however, is not sufficient for the needs of the body. It is necessary to use water as a beverage. When one rises in the morning, it is well to drink one or two glasses of water.

Note that water means exactly that WATER. Not coffee, juice, milk, sports drinks, soda, tea, sweetened or artificially flavored waters, and especially not alcoholic drinks. If you want a little taste to your water, add a splash of fresh lemon or lime juice to your regular water. If you reduce your sugar sweetened beverage consumption by 1 can a day, you save more than 50,000 calories a year as one can of regular soft drink = around 140 Kcal.

Drinking proper amount of water daily should be your number one priority. There are many different recommendations and opinions on how much water we should be drinking every day. The health authorities commonly recommend eight 8-ounce glasses, which equals about half a gallon or 2 liters daily. As with most things, daily water intake depends on the individual and many other internal and external factors that ultimately affect our need for water. Good calculation for daily water intake is to look at how many pounds you weigh and drink at least half that number in ounces of water. For example, a person weighing 140 pounds should drink at least 70 ounces of plain water a day.

You should be drinking even more water under the following circumstances:
If you are engaging in exercise
If you are working outdoors in hot weather
If you are prone to heavy periods
If you are pregnant or breastfeeding
If you are over age 60